im baaaaaack…

from my terrible drive. XD i’m at my nanny and papa’s place, so don’t worry if i’m not posting on today, sunday, and monday. look at what i did by mahself:


it’s a evil nyan cat. and i made it while my parents and my grandparents were jabbering on. now THAT’S hard!

sorry about that, grandma.

well, i’ll end it off here (removed for: animal jam content)




you heard that. I dared fluffyponyy (link on the side of my blog) to glitch out (like yesterday’s REAL post) and I am letting her copy my glitch. she may take photos from other blogs, or of other people, so on and such. but it has to be a CRAZY glitch EVERYONE can see! (no hacks allowed or shame on you fluffyponyy) i also told her she can make a comic series with the other authors, and it MUST be with AT LEAST ONE other author on her blog. it must be adventure too. comment here if you want to (maybe) add or remove rules from the challenge! 😀 cuteness OUT!

-Mitz (back on PC)