so sorry, here’s my apology post!

i’m so sorry about not posting in forever! i want to share what “fluff” means in the katish dictionary:

Fluff (fluhffh), Fluffy (fluhffE):

fluff: the top layer of a cat’s fur, very silk-like. usually very long.

to fluff a cat“: to ruffle a cat’s fur.

fluffy, emotion“: energized and happy for a cat lover.

fluffy, cat description“: a friendly, affectionate, and soft-furred cat. cute is an option for the meaning. “very fluffy cat“: a cute cat, with silk-like fur, almost always happy and affectionate,

hope you like it, this blog REALLY needs more authors. just go to the WANTED page here to possibly get an author spot! (i’ll be keeping an eye on my emails, i’m following my own blog for nasties…)